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The Bed

I never saw myself so clearly until you cried

You caress yourself to sleep,

You fall into the sheets with a pink toy in your little hand.

You try to remember

what you have to forget.

So I guess that's it then

Sleep on the floor and no one will wake you up

You can sit around and wait



You were asleep and I was looking at the hot ceiling.

Huffing and puffing my soul into thin air.

I dragged it into

the cold rigid frame of

my french door.

I sat alone

More so alone

because you were right there.

Clutter upsets my eyes

That is why I allow it

to build up and bury me

So it can chase my body away from this rental bed

And I leave it,

Like a stranger.

Believing that I won't sleep in it for long

hoping that I will wake up and roll out of it

Into the strong arms of another man.

leaving behind only the clutter-free sheets

And the pink toy.

As it will glitter in someone else's hand

A token of my belonging in that bed with you.

Sasha Lipskaia adventures in art

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